Company - Fitre S.p.A.

February 16, 2025 • 03:11

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© 1997-2025 FITRE S.p.A.


FITRE Factory in Milano

1943: the birth.
On 12 of August 1943, at the height of the second terrible conflict in Europe of the last century, an air bombing completely reduced to ashes the factory of production of telephone equipment located in Milan in which were employed Pietro Borroni and some colleagues who would have been his future collaborators.
It was in this way that in September 1943, less than a month later, Pietro gathered around him a group of valid technicians and gave life to an activity that, at first concentrated in products and telephony equipment intended for the Telecom Operators, saw the number of Customers rapidly growing, from Companies for the Production and Distribution of Electricity, to Railways and to Industries in general, to acquire an ever-increasing presence in the market.

1950-1990: the decades of development.
From electromechanics to electronics, and beyond. It is in these decades that electromechanical switching devices support the impetuous development of telephone traffic. The relays, born for telephone switching, are also used in the rising applications of Industrial Automation. The Company gains more strength with the gradual access of the founder's sons, which accentuate its growth into a consolidated business reality.

The development of the Milan factory plant.
In three successive steps, between the end of the '60s and the early '70s, it took shape the complex of buildings, where there are still present the lines for production and the offices. This set of buildings covers an area of 7,500 square meters. While in the same years the commercial branches located in Rome and Venice are also consolidated.

1990s and beyond: the new technologies.
The Laboratories of the Company grows and develops, passing through electromechanics to electronics with continuity. The foundations for digital technology and for industrial applications are laid. In the wake of the long experience gained, families of Hardware & Software Products are also created, designed for harsch environments, such as Railways and Roads, Refineries and Chemical Industries.
In any business sector, the winning factor of Fitre is the ability to respond to all kinds of specifications, following the most stringent standards, without compromises.

The expansion in the Global Market.
Products and Systems, drawing value from experience and design flexibility. Over the years, a close relationship has been established with a wide network of Business Partners, interweaving with an important cooperation with qualified System Integrators operating all over the world.

ISO 9001:2008 Certificate The Quality System of FITRE meets the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 rules and complies with the ISO 9001 standard since 1995.

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